Our Training Courses
FID4SA offers research institutions, university departments and libraries, training courses on its various resources and services in order to support research and teaching.
The training courses can be organised in your department in person or as an online lecture. We are happy to focus on specific topics and services according to your needs when designing the training courses.
We also offer open online training courses and fixed date lectures, which you can attend without registering in advance.
Our new courses for summer term 2025.
Specialized Information Services for South Asia-related Sciences (FID4SA) - An Introduction
Thursday, 24 April 2025 | 3-4 pm (CEST) | Katrin Bender
The FID4SA's services are aimed at transdisciplinary research related to South Asia. Our core tasks include provision and digitization of research-relevant holdings, supra-regional supply of scientific literature via interlibrary loan, as well as electronic publishing in open access.
After a brief introduction to our FID, this online course will give you a good overview of our central services for researchers. The online course will be held in English.
Making research visible – Open Access publishing with Heidelberg Asian Studies Publishing (HASP)
Tuesday, 27 May 2025 | 4-5 pm (CEST) | Nicole Merkel-Hilf
With HASP the FID South Asia supports scholars in Asian Studies to publish their research results in open access. Our services range from hosting electronic journals to publishing monographs in various formats - electronically as PDF and HTML, but also as print-on-demand.
This online course provides an introduction to our various publishing options. It also covers copyright issues and Creative Commons licences.
FID4SAimages - das Objekt- und Multimediaportal des FID4SA (in German)
Wednesday, 04 June 2025 | 2-2:45 pm (CEST) | Dorothee Becker
FID4SAimages comprises digital image collections in the field of South Asian Studies and Indology. As part of heidICON, FID4SAimages is a sustainable repository, cataloguing system, presentation platform and aggregator database all in one.
This online tutorial will give you an overview of the possible uses.
Bücher in nicht-lateinischen Schriften in Bibliothekskatalogen suchen und finden - eine kurze Einführung (in German)
Monday, 07 July 2025 |2-2:45 pm (CEST) | Nicole Merkel-Hilf
The metadata of books and other media in non-Latin scripts (NLS) are recorded in library catalogues in Latin transliteration. Conventions have been established to guarantee a certain degree of standardisation in the national library landscape.
This introduction uses the Devanagari, Tamil and Urdu scripts as examples to familiarise you with national and international transliteration conventions. Various research examples are used to show how to successfully search for NLS media in library catalogues.
Registration is not necessary. If you want us to address a special topic during one of the training courses offered above, please let us know by sending an email to fid-suedasien@ub.uni-heidelberg.de and we will take it into account.