Our Profile
FID4SA's services are aimed at transdisciplinary research related to South Asia. Our work focuses on the provision of research literature via interlibrary loan, electronic publishing in open access, and the digitisation and presentation of holdings relevant for research and teaching. All services are accessible via our portal and are constantly being further developed.
With FID4SAimages, the FID4SA provides a digital and interdisciplinary image and multimedia repository in which institutes, collections and projects from the field of South Asian Studies present their holdings. As part of heidICON, FID4SAimages is a sustainable repository, indexing system and presentation platform at the same time. With the integration of controlled vocabulary and standardised data (such as GND, GeoNames, daiGazetteer), central Linked Open Data principles are fulfilled.
Heidelberg Asian Studies Publishing (HASP)

FID4SA supports Open Access as a publication model for the dissemination of research results. At HASP, we offer scholars in Asian studies the opportunity to publish their research results in various (digital) formats. HASP publishes academic monographs, edited volumes and journals in German and English as well as research data related to the publications.