Sadhana (Calcutta, c. 1891-1895)

Sadhana was an important monthly publication on late 19th century Bangla Literature. The most important literary figures of the time were among the regular contributors.


  • Sudhindranath Thakur
  • Rabindranath Thakur

Custodian of microfilm copies:

Centre for Studies in Social Sciences, Calcutta, Kolkata, W.B., India

  • Vol. 2 [1299/1300 (1892/1893)] - Vol. 4 [1302 (1895)]

Custodian of paper copies:

  • Kolikata Little Magazine Library o Gabeshana Kendra, Kolkata, W.B., India
  • Bangiya Sahitya Parishat, Kolkata, W.B., India